Monday, January 24, 2011

Migrating wpmu blog to new host

I have job to transfer wordpress multi user to new host. The wpmu system currently host 400+ with subdomain type.
The old host and new host use same operating system FreeBSD dedicated server but with different version.
The procedure for move wpmu to new host not different than moving ordinary wordpress blog.

Preparing and packing

1. Dumping mysql database
#  mysqldump -udtonet2 -pdotnet22008 dotnet2 > dotnet.sql
2. Packing all files to one tarball
# tar cvzf wordpress-mu.tar.gz  wordpress-mu
3. Transfer the file to new host
# scp wordpress-mu.tar.gz erau@
wordpress-mu.tar.gz                    100%   402MB  13.9MB/s   00:03
4. Change dns setting
add wildcard to tinydns data file.
make file
# make
restart dns
# svc -t /var/service/tinydns/
# svc -t /var/service/dnscache/
check dns resolv
# dig
; <<>> DiG 9.3.4-P1 <<>>
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 15165
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;                        IN      A
;; ANSWER SECTION:         8640    IN      A
;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Tue May 11 09:59:31 2010
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 48

Unpack and restoring

This steps taken in new host.
Login to server 1.8
4. Move the file
# mv /home/erau/wordpress-mu.tar.gz  /home/dotcom
# cd /home/dotcom
# tar xvzf wordpress-mu.tar.gz
Change vhost
# ee /usr/local/etc/apache22/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
add these lines :
<VirtualHost >
DocumentRoot /home/dotcom/wordpress-mu
<Directory /home/dotcom/wordpress-mu >
AllowOverride FileInfo Options
ServerAlias *
5. Create database
# mysql -ualam -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 590411
Server version: 5.0.77-log FreeBSD port: mysql-server-5.0.77_1
Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the current input
mysql> create database wpmu;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
Grant all privileges
mysql> grant all privileges on wpmu.* to dtonet2@localhost identified by ‘dotnet22008′ with grant option;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Import database
mysql> exit
6. Import database
# mysql -udtonet2 -pdotnet22008 wpmu < dotnet.sql
Change wp-edit.php to new host information.
#ee  wp-config.php
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7. Restart Apache
# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22 restart
Performing sanity check on apache22 configuration:
Syntax OK
Stopping apache22.
Waiting for PIDS: 793.
Performing sanity check on apache22 configuration:
Syntax OK
Starting apache22.
Check everything from browser and no problem so far.
Finish, mission accomplished.
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Kloxo 500 – Internal Server Error

Kloxo control panel aka lxadmin in the past help me a lot in managing vps operational. I don’t have to touch configuration file for adding new domain, setting virtual host, grant database username and privileges etc. The other best part of this cpanel alternative are :
  1. It’s free ( I can asking for help or install it by myself)
  2. Low resources (specially memory where most  low end vps plan has limited)
Problem came when I must add new domain for my friend blog. I see this message after I enter username and password :

500 – Internal Server Error

I think it just small problem with service and  library conflict.
Restart Kloxo 1 st attempt :
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# service kloxo restart
Stopping kloxo: Waiting for the process to die…..
Stopped kloxo
Starting kloxo: 11
mysqld (pid 30515) is running…
Started kloxo
Try again to login and I still get 500 – Internal Server Error message.
Restart Kloxo 2nd attempt :
# /script/restart
Stopping kloxo: ../bin/common/ line 28: 16364 Terminated              $__path_php_path $__path_server_path $string > /dev/null 2>&1
Waiting for the process to die…..
Stopped kloxo
Starting kloxo: 11
mysqld (pid 30515) is running…
Started kloxo
I still get 500 – Internal Server Error message after entering username and password.
Searching around (I forgot source url) I try to downgrade ssl.
# yum downgrade openssl
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Setting up Downgrade Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* addons:
* base:
* extras:
* updates:
addons                                                                                                                                        |  951 B     00:00
base                                                                                                                                              | 2.1 kB     00:00
extras                                                                                                                                          | 2.1 kB     00:00
lxlabslxupdate                                                                                                                            951 B     00:00
lxlabsupdate                                                                                                                            |  951 B     00:00
updates                                                                                                                                      | 1.9 kB     00:00
Resolving Dependencies
–> Running transaction check
—> Package openssl.i686 0:0.9.8e-12.el5_4.1 set to be updated
—> Package openssl.i686 0:0.9.8e-12.el5_4.6 set to be erased
–> Processing Dependency: openssl >= 0.9.8e-12.el5_4.4 for package: mod_ssl
–> Running transaction check
—> Package mod_ssl.i386 1:2.2.3-31.el5.centos.4 set to be erased
–> Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved
Package                             Arch                             Version                                              Repository                             Size
openssl                             i686                             0.9.8e-12.el5_4.1                                    updates                               1.4 M
openssl                             i686                             0.9.8e-12.el5_4.6                                    installed                             3.3 M
Removing for dependencies:
mod_ssl                             i386                          1:2.2.3-31.el5.centos.4                           installed                             173 k
Transaction Summary
Install      1 Package(s)
Update       0 Package(s)
Remove       2 Package(s)
Total download size: 1.4 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
openssl-0.9.8e-12.el5_4.1.i686.rpm                                                                                                              | 1.4 MB     00:00
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Finished Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
Installing     : openssl                                                                                                                                         1/3
Erasing        : mod_ssl                                                                                                                                         2/3
warning: /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf saved as /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf.rpmsave
Cleanup        : openssl                                                                                                                                         3/3
openssl.i686 0:0.9.8e-12.el5_4.6
Dependency Removed:
mod_ssl.i386 1:2.2.3-31.el5.centos.4
openssl.i686 0:0.9.8e-12.el5_4.1
Restart Kloxo 3rd attempt :
Using command in 1st or 2nd attempt bring me this display
kloxo is up Kloxo and 500   Internal Server Error
Case closed
kloxo 500 - Internal Server Error, kloxo Internal Server Error, kloxo Could not connect to Mysql server, kloxo, 500 - Internal Server Error kloxo, kloxo 500 internal server error, uninstall kloxo, remove kloxo, Internal Server Error KLOXO, kloxo 500 error, kloxo error 500, install kloxo in centos error mysql, restart kloxo, kloxo addons, 500 internal server error kloxo, 500 Internal Server Error how to, error kloxo after shutdown, Stopping kloxo: /bin/common/function sh: line 28, wordpress internal server error Kloxo, kloxo /bin/common/function sh, openssl-0 9 8e-12 el5_4 1 i686 rpm, Starting kloxo: 11 Could not connect to Mysql server, reinstall mysql kloxo, starting kloxo, Kloxo mysql error, Stopping kloxo: /bin/common/function sh, centos 500 kloxo - Internal Server Error, vps 500 - Internal Server Error, kloxo restart, kloxo not restart, kloxo not working 500 internal server error, kloxo function sh, stopping kloxo, kloxo email problem, internal server error 500, kloxo internal server erro, error log file kloxo, kloxo webmail internal server error, download openssl-0 9 8e-12 el5_4 1 i686 rpm, Stopping kloxo: /bin/common/function sh: line 28:, server i kloxo, $__path_php_path $__path_server_path $string > /dev/null 2>&1, starting KLOXO in shell, cai kloxo 500 - Internal Server Error, Stopping kloxo: /bin/common/function sh: lineTerminated, kloxo reboot Internal Server Error, kloxo reboot Could not connect to Mysql server, kloxo pserver-localhost default, upgrade mysql in kloxo, kloxo remove script(Visited 1,509 times, 20 visits today)

Add new slave for kloxo control panel

My friend came and bring more problem too. He want to use vps hosting as alternative for his shared account that getting soft suspend for using many cpu resources. His work as internet marketing make uptime and downtime is very crusial.
He want to experiment with kloxo but willing to see more and since he want to give me access to new vps server  (via donate) I agree to set new CentOS vps server for him.
Here’s step by step guide install kloxo slave server :

Get new VPS server

So many vps provider outside and I choose one from
New account set up quickly and I have root access for CentOS 32 bit.

Update Yum

I love to use package management as front end tool for managing package.
#yum update

Install Editor

I prefer nano
#yum install nano

Disable secure linux (selinux)

# echo ‘selinux=disabled’ >> /etc/sysconfig/selinux
or with this at command line.
# setenforce 0
setenforce: SELinux is disabled

Install kloxo

#cd /home
#mkdir kloxo
#cd kloxo
#sh ./
The process will continue as many package will be installed automatically by kloxo like php, mysql, pure-ftpd, awstat etc.
This message will be shown when all process working successfully :
Congratulations. Kloxo has been installed succesfully on your server as slave
You should open the port 7779 on this server, since this is used for the communication between master and slave.
To access this slave, to go admin->servers->add server, give the ip/machine name of this server. The password is ‘admin’. The slave will appear in the listof slaves, and you can access it just like you access localhost

Restart Server

Wait and try to ping ip address of vps to make sure reboot process already passed.
Checking current process
# ps ax
1 ?        Ss     0:00 init [3]
5160 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
5226 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/bin/freshclam -d -p /var/run/clamav/
5235 ?        S      0:00 sh ../sbin/
5356 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/lxlabs/ext/lxlighttpd/sbin/kloxo.httpd -f /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/file/lighttpd.conf
5703 ?        Ss     0:00 crond
5714 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /var/run/saslauthd -a pam -n 2
5718 ?        S      0:00 /usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /var/run/saslauthd -a pam -n 2
5741 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/lxlabs/ext/php/php ../sbin/kloxo.php slave
6015 ?        Ss     0:00 sshd: root@pts/0
7290 ?        Ss     0:00 xinetd -stayalive -pidfile /var/run/
7333 pts/0    Ss     0:00 -bash
7342 ?        Ss     0:00 syslogd -m 0
7387 ?        S      0:00 qmail-send
7389 ?        S      0:00 splogger qmail
7390 ?        S      0:00 qmail-lspawn |preline procmail
7392 ?        S      0:00 qmail-rspawn
7393 ?        S      0:00 qmail-clean
7793 pts/0    R+     0:00 ps ax
Access the web
you’ll see this message  :
Slave Server

Add slave server to kloxo master

Login to kloxo master and click Servers.
kloxo slave 1 Add new slave for kloxo control panel
Click Add Server.
Enter IP or hostname and click Add button.
kloxo slave 2 Add new slave for kloxo control panel
The server will be listed in servers under admin.
kloxo slave 3 Add new slave for kloxo control panel
Till this step kloxo slave successfully install at new vps server and also successfully integrated to kloxo master.
Enjoy the server and stay health!
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Kloxo and 500 – Internal Server Error

Kloxo control panel aka lxadmin in the past help me a lot in managing vps operational. I don’t have to touch configuration file for adding new domain, setting virtual host, grant database username and privileges etc. The other best part of this cpanel alternative are :
  1. It’s free ( I can asking for help or install it by myself)
  2. Low resources (specially memory where most  low end vps plan has limited)
Problem came when I must add new domain for my friend blog. I see this message after I enter username and password :

500 – Internal Server Error

I think it just small problem with service and  library conflict.
Restart Kloxo 1 st attempt :
# service kloxo restart
Stopping kloxo: Waiting for the process to die…..
Stopped kloxo
Starting kloxo: 11
mysqld (pid 30515) is running…
Started kloxo
Try again to login and I still get 500 – Internal Server Error message.

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Monday, January 17, 2011


What's new in Bind?

I was in for quite a surprise when I built a new Fedora Core 3 server. Security was much higher making things a bit more inconvenient and definitely confusing. Specifically the files paths changed from /var/named to /var/named/chroot/var/named. It looks like this is a security measure that protects the really important system file locations by emulating them to the user of the Bind service. As soon as you know about the location of the new path, everything makes sense again. Just refer to the file paths below:

Location and Purpose of Bind DNS Files

  • /etc/named.conf - Configuration file for the DNS server. In order for a domain to be handled by the DNS server, it must be listed in this file.
  • /var/named/chroot/var/named/domain.db
    /var/named/domain.db - old path
    A domain table (notice the folder in which it is stored).
  • /var/named/chroot/var/named/x.x.x.x.reverse.db
    /var/named/x.x.x.x.reverse.db - old path
    - Files containing reverse DNS info (x.x.x.x is class C network)
  • /var/named/chroot/var/named/
  • /var/named/ - old path
    - Contains a list of all the master DNS servers on the Internet.

Adding a Domain

Step 1:  Edit /etc/named.conf and add the zone of the new domain. Save and Exit.
zone "" IN {
     type master;
      file "newdomain.db";
Step 2:  Change directory to /var/named.
Type: cd /var/named/chroot/var/named.
Step 3:  Copy new domain template to the new domain. (/var/named/chroot/var/named/nd is the template file)
Type: cp nd newdomain.db 
Step 4:  Edit /var/named/chroot/var/named/newdomain.db and change settings to reflect your new domain name. Don't forget to also update the serial! (the date line of the file)
Step 5:  Once you have made the proper changes to newdomain.db, save the file. You must now restart the name server in order for the changes to become active. From the Linux prompt,
type: rndc reload
Step 6:  Check the system log to verify that the zone (domain) was loaded and that no errors occurred.
Type: tail /var/log/messages
Step 7:  If you have any secondary DNS servers, edit /etc/named.conf and add the zone of the new domain & Then reload the Name Server.
zone "" IN {
    type slave;
    file "newdomain.db";
   masters { Primary.DNS.Server.IP; };
Step 10:  You must now restart the name server in order for the changes to become active. From the Linux prompt, type: rndc reload (rndc is in new version of bind)
Step 11:  Check the system log to verify that the zone (domain) was loaded and that no errors occurred.  Type the alias: tmess

CNAME:  The CNAME in the DB file creates an alias to an address.
Example:  Pointing a domain such as to In the DB file, adding a line such as: 
www   1D   IN   CNAME
This line will make an alias from and point it at

Tweaking Kloxo/LxAdmin by replacing bind with tinydns

In my last 2 articles, I explained how you can tweak Kloxo/lxadmin by replacing apache with lighttpd, and disable innodb and bdb, and decrease RAM usage in your server.
How to install Lighttpd in Kloxo (LXadmin)
Tweaking mysql in Kloxo/LxAdmin

By acting on above to suggestions, you can decrease your ram usage from 300MB to 164MB, however in today’s article, I’m going to explain you the way to reduce 100MB more RAM.
[root@mailserver1 ~]# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          2048         164       1989          0          0          0
-/+ buffers/cache:         58       1989
Swap:            0          0          0
Replace bind with tinydns, bind use almost 100MB of RAM in your vps, and replacing it with tinydns, this ram usage will reduce.
Kloxo/lxadmin has a simple way to replace bind with tinydns, and it automatically convert all your websites dns setting.
  1. Login as ‘admin’
  2. Click on the ‘server’
  3. Click on server in which you want to convert apache to lighttpd, for my example it is “local host”
  4. Click on “switch program”
  5. Select “djbdns” from drop down box under “Dns” category
  6. Click on update.
  7. Kloxo (Lxadmin) will take few min to install tinydns and stop bind and to update configuration files.
  8. It will automatically convert settings of all your domains to lighttpd, and you will not have to create domains again.
And you are done
Must read: How to install Lighttpd in Kloxo
12 300x225
22 300x225
32 300x225
42 300x214
Lest check RAM now:
[root@mailserver1 ~]# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          2048         58       1989          0          0          0
-/+ buffers/cache:         58       1989
Swap:            0          0          0
Related posts:

Kloxo VPS Setup Guide: Part 5 – Other Useful Features

Kloxo has many other features that are very useful. Some of the more common and frequently used features are explained below and include assigning a site a dedicated IP address, setting up and SSL certificate, using the "Files" tab and a brief discussion of clients and resellers you can create on your VPS.
NOTE: Your VPS has one IP address assigned to it by default. This is the IP address referenced in your welcome e-mail. If your VPS plan includes more than one IP address you can request additional IP addresses through our ticket system:
Please provide the reason for needing the additional IP address in your ticket. We keep documentation on all IP requests to prevent usage that is against our Terms of Service. If you have used all of your available IP you can request additional IP address through the ticket system. Current pricing is $3 per IP per month but is subject to change.

Assigning a Dedicated IP address to your Site

To assign a dedicated IP address to your site, log into Kloxo. From the Home screen click the "Ipaddresses" icon in the "Resources" box.

After clicking on the icon you will be taken to a screen that lists all IP addresses assigned to your VPS. Click on the IP address you wish to assign to a particular domain. You will then be taken to the options screen for that IP address.

Click the "Configure Domain" tab at the top of the page. You will then be presented with something like the following:

Use the drop-down menu to select the domain you wish to assign to the IP address listed in the box above then click "Update".
NOTE: If you have not yet updated DNS for your domain you will receive an error message like the following:
Alert: To map an IP to a domain, the domain must ping to the same IP, otherwise, the domain will stop working. The domain you are trying to map this IP to, doesn't resolve back to the IP, and so it cannot be set as the default domain for the IP.
If you would like to assign your site a dedicated IP BEFORE you update DNS you can do so by adding the following line to /etc/hosts
' domain.tld'
You can either edit the file directly or issue a command such as the following:
'echo " domain.tld" >> /etc/hosts'
(make sure you use two ">>" or you will overwrite the file.)
In both examples remove the single quotes around the outside and replace the '' with the IP address you want to assign and "domain.tld" with your domain name.
After you have made this change you can go back and follow the steps for adding the dedicated IP address listed above and you should not receive the error. You cannot assign a dedicated IP address to more than one site. If you do not assign a site a dedicated IP address it will "share" the main IP address on the server by means of virtual hosts in your webserver software (apache/lighttpd). These will be configured automatically by Kloxo.

Installing an SSL Certificate

Through Kloxo you can install an SSL certificate you have already purchased, create a self- signed certificate for personal use or generate a "CSR" (certificate signing request) for ordering a new certificate.
NOTE: In order to install an SSL certificate on a domain it MUST have a dedicated IP address. Only one SSL certificate can be installed per IP address.
Log into Kloxo and go to the Home screen. In the "Resources" box click the SSL Certificates icon.

  1. Uploading a Current SSL Certificate
    1. If you already have an SSL certificate you would like to use click the "Add Upload File" tab. Give the SSL certificate a name; this can be anything you like. Click the "Browse" buttons and upload the Key, Certificate, and CA file (if applicable) then click "Add"
    2. Now click the "SSL Certificates" tab and you should see the SSL certificate you just uploaded in the list.
    3. Assign the domain you wish to configure a dedicated IP address (see instructions above)
    4. Click the "Home" tab then click the "Ipaddresses" icon in the 'Resources' box.
    5. Click the IP address you assigned to the domain you are installing the SSL certificate on then click the "SSL Configuration Home" tab.
    6. Using the drop-down menu select the name of the SSL certificate you uploaded previously then click "Update"
    7. Kloxo should restart Apache (or lighttpd) automatically but if https:// isn't working properly you may need to restart it manually.
  2. Generating a self-signed SSL certificate
    1. Log into Kloxo and go to the Home screen. In the "Resources" box click the SSL Certificates icon.
    2. Click the "Add SSL Certificate" tab
    3. Give the SSL certificate a name and fill in the appropriate information in the boxes. Please keep in mind that an ssl certificate for "" is different from just "" so be sure to specify version of your domain you want the SSL certificate on. Click the "Add" button once you have filled in the appropriate information.
    4. Assign the domain you wish to configure a dedicated IP address (see instructions above)
    5. Click the "Home" tab then click the "Ipaddresses" icon in the 'Resources' box.
    6. Click the IP address you assigned to the domain you are installing the SSL certificate on then click the "SSL Configuration Home" tab.
    7. Using the drop-down menu select the name of the SSL certificate you uploaded previously then click "Update"
    8. Kloxo should restart Apache (or lighttpd) automatically but if https:// isn't working properly you may need to restart it manually.
  3. Generating a CSR to order a new SSL certificate from a certificate authority
    1. You can purchase SSL certificates through A2 Hosting. To view current offerings please see You can submit a ticket to our billing department to order an SSL certificate.
    2. If you just need a CSR for use with an outside provider, log into Kloxo and go to the Home screen. In the "Resources" box click the SSL Certificates icon.
    3. Click the "Add SSL Certificate" tab
    4. Give the SSL certificate a name and fill in the appropriate information in the boxes. Please keep in mind that an ssl certificate for "" is different from just "" so be sure to specify version of your domain you want the SSL certificate on. Click the "Add" button once you have filled in the appropriate information.
    5. Click on the "SSL Certificates" tab then click on the name of the SSL certificate you just created.
    6. The CSR will be listed in the middle of the screen. You can copy and paste the CSR (be sure to include the ----- BEGIN ----- and -----END----- lines) into your outside providers request form.

The "Files" Tab

You can use the "Files" tab as an alternative to FTP or SFTP to upload or download files to/from your site. You can also zip files or folders for smaller download, upload files from your home computer, a remote URL, or remote FTP server (the last 2 are great for transferring your data from your old hosting account).
The files tab does not require much explanation. Just click on the "Files" tab and use the File Manager tab to navigate your files then view/download current files or use the Upload tab to add files to your site. All uploaded files will be placed in "/home/admin"

Clients and Resellers

There are two types of clients; Resellers and customers. The main difference is Resellers can have customers under them. The smallest unit of authorization in Kloxo is a customer, who can have multiple domains under them.
In order to setup a Reseller or Client you will need to create a Resource Plan. A resource plan determines how many clients a reseller can have, how many domains can be hosted, traffic allowed, disk space allowed and much more.
If you are hosing multiple sites for different clients and wish to give them access to their content you can add a client login so they can modify their web content but no one else's.
The home directory of a customer is '/home/clientname', and his domain's document root is /home/clientname/'. He can also login through ftp using his clientname as the id and the password.

Part 4 – The Domains Tab

To control and view options for each domain – options like e-mail accounts, parked domains, traffic history, statistics, mailing lists, PHP configuration – you will use the "Domains" tab at the top of the page.

By clicking on the "Domains" tab you will be taken to a list of all domains you have created on the server. You may have to look below the Add Domain form to see the list of domains. You can hide the Add Domain form by clicking "Click Here...(Show/Hide)". A set of quick access icons for each domain are shown to the left of each domain name; you can hold the mouse over each icon to see its purpose when logged into Kloxo.

To view all options for a particular domain, click on the name of the domain. You will then be taken to the 'Domain Home' for that particular domain. All of the options that follow are found on the domain home page which is accessed by clicking on the name of the domain from the Domains tab.

E-mail accounts

To add an e-mail account enter the 'Domain Home' for the domain you want to work with. Scroll down to the "Mail : qmail" box and click "Add Mail Account"

You will be taken to a screen where you can enter the e-mail address you wish to create, setup the account password as well as set a mailbox size limit. After filling in the necessary fields, click the "Add" button at the bottom of the box. After clicking "Add" you will be taken to the general e-mail options for your domain. Here you can modify SPAM settings, select your preferred webmail application, setup mailing lists and view all e-mail accounts. By clicking on the "Mail Accounts" icon you can further customize each addresses SPAM settings, limits and filters.
You can use a standard mail application such as Outlook or Thunderbird to check your mail or you can use the webmail applications included in Kloxo. To connect to your webmail you can use the following URL: http://webmail.yourdomain.tld/(replacing "yourdomain.tld" with your domain name). This URL will only work if you have setup DNS through Kloxo or HyperVM (the subdomain entry is created automcatically). If you are using outside DNS you will need to add an "A" record for this entry.

Ruby on Rails

If you plan on running Ruby on Rails application on your Kloxo VPS it is definitely possible. The default template has Ruby, Rails and Gem installed but at this time does not work as intended with the Kloxo interface.
We have anticipated the need for Ruby on Rails support and have created another template pre-loaded with Apache and mod_rails (aka, Passenger) that works wonderfully with RoR applications. You will need to rebuild with the "centos-5-i386-kloxo-passenger" template in order to use Passenger. Passenger is memory efficient, fast, and a breeze to setup. If you are not familiar with Passenger you can view more information at the Passenger website:
All of the pre-configuration for Passenger has been completed for you and you just need to follow the simple directions found below to setup a rails application:
NOTE: This requires you use the Linux shell on you VPS server. We have pre-configured most things so you will simply need to add a few lines to a particular file.
Log into the Linux shell on your VPS and open the following file with your favorite text editor (vim, nano, etc.)
Add the necessary lines based on the instructions provided in the link below, restart Apache ("service httpd restart") and that's it – you've got Rails!

Domain logs and Site Stastics

You can check logs for your domain by using the icons in the "Traffic & Log" box. By clicking on the icon that correlates to the service you want to check. These logs are extremely useful diagnostic tools when you are experiencing a problem with your site.

Several other boxes and icons are present for each domain but are not covered here. They are normally fine at their default values. If you need to make modifications to things like the PHP or Apache configuration we will assume you have the knowledge and skills to do so.
It is recommended you click the "Stats Page Protection" icon and set a password to access your stats.

Part 2 – Setting up a Website

You have probably noticed that Kloxo has a lot of icons to click on. We will not cover every option available but feel free to click around once you have the basics under your belt. We will start by setting up your domain to resolve to your VPS and touch on the necessary options to fully configure a domain.
NOTE: Before you start setting up your domain in Kloxo we highly recommend you configure your DNS to point to your VPS. If you need to keep your domain pointed elsewhere until your data is moved keep in mind that certain features like e-mail and webmail will not work properly until your DNS is updated. To setup your DNS (zone files) please skip ahead to the "DNS with Kloxo" section then come back to this point when you are done.

Adding your Domain (creating the website)

To add your domain to your VPS make sure you are on the Home screen. You can assure this by clicking on the "Home" icon in the top left of the screen.
On the Home screen you will see a "Resources" box, click on the "Add Domain" icon to get started.

NOTE: If you have not yet setup DNS you will see a pink notification box asking you to setup a DNS template. Skip down to the "DNS with Kloxo" section for instructions on creating one. You must do this before it will allow you to create domains, even if you aren’t going to use Kloxo's DNS options.
After clicking on "Add Domain" you will be taken to the following screen:

Enter your domain name WITHOUT the 'www' in the first text box. In the second box you can name the directory for your site. Using the domain name is generally a good idea to help keep your sites organized, especially if you are planning on having more than one site. Below the text boxes are various options you can enable or disable for the domain. Generally you can leave the default options selected. Once you have entered your domain name, folder name and selected/deselected options click the "Add" button in the bottom right corner of the box. You will ee the domain you created below once you click the add button. This is the same screen you can reach by clicking the "Domains" tab at the top of the main window. We will cover the "Domains" tab in more detail after the following FTP section.

Uploading your Site Data (FTP, SFTP, File Manager)

By default you can always login to manage all of your domains with the "admin" FTP account. This account exists by default and does not need to be created. When you login using the "admin" FTP user you will be dropped into the /home/admin directory of your VPS. This directory contains the folders for all of your domains.
To connect using FTP you can use your favorite FTP client - we recommend FileZilla - and your Kloxo "admin" login information; the same username/password you use to login to Kloxo. If you are not familiar with FTP please see our Knowledge Base article at the following URL:
To create an FTP user that is only allowed access to a specific folder first click the "Home" tab to get back to the main screen. The under the "Domain" heading click the FTP users icon.

You will see that a default user has been created for each domain you have added. If you would like to add a new user, click the "Add FTP User" tab at the top of the window.

You can create a username only account by leaving the dropdown menu next to user set to ---direct--- or you can create an FTP user for your specific domain by entering the username and then selecting your domain from the drop-down menu. The username would then be in the "user@domain" format. This is useful if you are hosting more than one domain. You can then enter the password and the starting directory for the user. The user will not be able to view folders below the starting directory you set. This way you can limit users to specific folders and domains. You can also set the upload limit in MB (megabytes) that a user can upload to a directory. Once you have selected the required options click the "Add" button at the bottom of the box.
If you would like to use SFTP – the Secure File Transfer Protocol – it is possible. SFTP is preferred because it provides a secure connection from your computer to the VPS server. The main limitation is the ease of setup and the users that can connect using this method. Only users with shell access can connect using FTP and by default only the root user has shell access. You can easily change this for the admin user by doing the following:
Click the "Home" tab at the top of the screen then click the "Shell Access" icon in the Resources box.

It will take you to the screen below:

You can then select the shell type from the dropdown box. /bin/bash is "normal" shell and /usr/bin/jailshell is a more restricted type. Once you select the shell type click the "Update" button. You can then connect to your VPS using the SFTP protocol. For detailed instructions on using SFTP to connect see the following Knowledge Base article:
NOTE: You will not be able to connect with SFTP using normal FTP users. Only accounts with shell access - usually limited to your "admin" user - can connect using SFTP.
Using either FTP or SFTP you can upload your files to your website. You will need to place your files in the folder you created when setting up your domain. Usually /home/admin/<domain>

Using the File Manager for File Uploads

If you would rather upload your files through the Kloxo interface you can do so using the File Manager.
From the Home screen locate the File Manager icon under the "Domain" heading and click on it.

You will be taken to the File Manager which defaults to the /home/admin directory. You should see folders that match the names of those you created when you added a domain. You can see an example below:

Part 2 – DNS with Kloxo

With Kloxo you can chose to run your own nameservers, which enable you to have custom DNS records like "ns1 and" or you can use the DNS servers we provide for VPS customers.
  • The main benefits to using Kloxo's built in DNS options is you can manage all DNS settings through Kloxo and create custom nameservers. This allows easy management of all domains you create in Kloxo. The downsides are setup can be a bit confusing and troubleshooting is more difficult if you run into DNS issues.
  • If you do not use Kloxo's DNS option you will need to create zone files through HyperVM once you add a domain through Kloxo. The HyperVM option requires no additional setup through Kloxo and "just works". You may find that although this method adds a bit of overhead to domain management it may be the easier choice in the long run.
If you want to stick with the HyperVM option please see the DNS instructions in the following document:
The remainder of these instructions are related to Kloxo's DNS offering.
To get started click on the "DNS Templates" icon from the home screen.

Then click the "Add DNS Template" tab and you will be presented with the following screen:

Fill in the information as defined above. ns1 and ns2.yourdomain.tld should be replaced with the domain you want to use for your name servers, Example: ns1 and
Click the "Add" button when you are done. You will be returned to the main DNS Templates screen. From here you can edit your templates by clicking on the name in the list. In order for these nameservers to work you will now need to register your nameservers at your domain registrar.
Some registrars require you have unique IP addresses for each nameserver. If you find this is the case you will need to submit a ticket at to have an additional IP address added to your VPS. If your plan only includes one IP address additional ones can be purchased at the monthly rate which is currently $3/month per IP. Once your additional IP address is added you will need to modify the A record of "ns2" in your DNS template and change it to the new IP address that was added to your account.

Registering Your Nameservers

NOTE: The following directions only apply if your domains were purchased through A2 Hosting. If you purchased your domains from an outside provider you will have to contact them for instructions on registering your name servers. It can usually be completed easily through the registrars' domain control panel. Regardless of where your domains were purchased your nameservers have to be registered and you must update your domains nameservers for your VPS to work properly. Please contact your registrar for more information regarding this process if necessary.
  1. Log into your billing account at
  2. Click the "My Sites" link at the top of the page then click the "My Domains" link on the following page. A list of your domains purchased through A2 Hosting will appear. Click on the appropriate domain. image
  3. Under the "Domain Utilities" heading click the 'Register Name Server' option. A box like the one below will appear to the right.
  4. Enter the name server information and the IP address(es) associated with your VPS. You will have to do this step twice, once for each nameserver.
ns1 should be the primary IP address of your VPS that was included in your welcome e-mail and the secondary can either be the same as the first, if your registrar allows, or the second IP provided by A2 Hosting.

Changing your Nameservers

Now that your name servers are registered you will need to associate your domain with those name servers. While still logged into your billing account, click "Change DNS" under the 'Domain Utility' heading. The following should appear:

In the fields labled 1) and 2) enter the name servers you just registered in the previous step and then click the "Submit Changes" button below the box.
This step concludes setting up your name servers. These changes can take up to 24 hours to propagate, although they are usually updated within 30 minutes. When a ping of your name servers returns the IP addresses you registered your nameservers are ready.
NOTE: As previously mentioned, if your domains are registered with another provider you will need to register your name servers and update your DNS settings in the same manner at your respective registrar.

Kloxo VPS Getting Started Guide part1

Part 1 – Getting Started with Kloxo

Logging In

There are several ways to access Kloxo:
  1. By clicking the “Kloxo” tab through HyperVM (no login required)
  2. or – You can access the control panel through any IP address allocated to the server. This is useful when your domain transfer has not yet propagated. (replace with your VPS’s IP address)
  3. http://yourdomain:7778 – You can access the control panel through any hosted domain by putting :7778 at the end of the domain. (non-SSL)
  4. https://yourdomain:7777 – You can access the control panel securely using SSL through any hosted domain by putting :7777 at the end of the domain.
A login window will appear. Enter your username (admin) and password and you should have successfully logged in.

We recommend the first thing you do is change the admin password for Kloxo. You can change the password by clicking on the “Password” icon in the Administration box towards the top of the page. Enter your current password in the first field and your new password in the remaining boxes. Then click “Update”

After you change your password return to the main screen by clicking “Home” tab.

Pop-up Notifications

Kloxo will remind you of particular settings you should update using a pink colored pop-up box. You will notice different messages based on the area of Kloxo you are using. It is a good idea to follow the links provided to setup the particular section Kloxo is warning you about. Pop-ups will include contact information, setting up lxguard, setting a mail server identity, changing the default SSH port, and possibly one on setting up a default DNS template. They look like the following:

Extra Help

After clicking on most icons, a red/orange outlined box of information on using a particular feature is usually present. These boxes are located at the bottom of the page below the options. This includes information on how to use the feature as well as how to configure it. An example can be found below:

Navigation through Kloxo

Navigation through the various Kloxo options is done in two primary locations. The first option is the Tree View found in the upper-left corner.

By clicking the “+” next to each option you can navigate through the various options. Each item shown has an equivalent icon on the middle section of the page. The “Client”, “Server” and “File” options will be explained in greater detail later in the document.
The second set of tabs you will see are located in the center window and are used for options that are available for your current screen

Another method of navigation Kloxo uses are called “breadcrumb” trails. These appear just above the second set of tabs and provide navigation for your most recent choices. They are only present if you have navigated through several screens.

Kloxo takes advantage of one other navigation option in the top right corner, just above the “Tree View” portion of the page:

Due to the many options for navigation in Kloxo getting around can sometimes be a bit daunting. If in doubt, click the “Home” icon – which is the first icon shown in the picture above to get back to the main screen. Most options you need to use regularly are found in three places:
  1. The “Home” screen which can be reached by clicking the large blue “Home” icon
  2. The “Server” screen which can be reached by clicking the “Servers” option in Tree View
  3. The “Domains” area which can be reached by going to the “Home” screen then clicking the “Domains” tab.

Selecting Default Programs

By default Kloxo uses the following programs for web services:
  • Web server – lighttpd
  • Spam filter – bogofilter
  • DNS – djbdns
You can change the default programs by clicking the “Switch Program” icon in the Server:linux box on the home screen. Most people are more familiar with Apache as the web server and Spam Assassin as the spam filter. You can switch to one or both of these from the Switch Program screen. We recommend you change your default programs BEFORE you setup any domains, assuming you want to switch default programs.
NOTE: You have the ability to run your own nameservers within Lxadmin. You are free to do so but configuring them is not covered in this document. We recommend you use the DNS features through HyperVM. Instructions can be found here:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

How to install Kloxo(Lxadmin)

Kloxo (LXadmin) is the best Control Panel that runs on even low memory VPS’s that has only 128MB memory and there is built in 2 web servers , Apache and Lighttpd.

Following are the step to install kloxo into your VPS

Connect to your server via SSH and run this commands

* cd /home
* mkdir kloxo
* cd kloxo
* wget
* sh ./

Allow some time for the lxadmin installation to complete.

When the installation is done, open your browser and go to http://a.b.c.d:7778. (where a.b.c.d is IP address of your VPS)
The default username & password to your first login is admin / admin.

Kloxo VPS Setup Guide: Part 5 – Other Useful Features

Part 5 – Other Useful Features

Kloxo has many other features that are very useful. Some of the more common and frequently used features are explained below and include assigning a site a dedicated IP address, setting up and SSL certificate, using the "Files" tab and a brief discussion of clients and resellers you can create on your VPS.
NOTE: Your VPS has one IP address assigned to it by default. This is the IP address referenced in your welcome e-mail. If your VPS plan includes more than one IP address you can request additional IP addresses through our ticket system:
Please provide the reason for needing the additional IP address in your ticket. We keep documentation on all IP requests to prevent usage that is against our Terms of Service. If you have used all of your available IP you can request additional IP address through the ticket system. Current pricing is $3 per IP per month but is subject to change.

Assigning a Dedicated IP address to your Site

To assign a dedicated IP address to your site, log into Kloxo. From the Home screen click the "Ipaddresses" icon in the "Resources" box.

After clicking on the icon you will be taken to a screen that lists all IP addresses assigned to your VPS. Click on the IP address you wish to assign to a particular domain. You will then be taken to the options screen for that IP address.

Click the "Configure Domain" tab at the top of the page. You will then be presented with something like the following:

Use the drop-down menu to select the domain you wish to assign to the IP address listed in the box above then click "Update".
NOTE: If you have not yet updated DNS for your domain you will receive an error message like the following:
Alert: To map an IP to a domain, the domain must ping to the same IP, otherwise, the domain will stop working. The domain you are trying to map this IP to, doesn't resolve back to the IP, and so it cannot be set as the default domain for the IP.
If you would like to assign your site a dedicated IP BEFORE you update DNS you can do so by adding the following line to /etc/hosts
' domain.tld'
You can either edit the file directly or issue a command such as the following:
'echo " domain.tld" >> /etc/hosts'
(make sure you use two ">>" or you will overwrite the file.)
In both examples remove the single quotes around the outside and replace the '' with the IP address you want to assign and "domain.tld" with your domain name.
After you have made this change you can go back and follow the steps for adding the dedicated IP address listed above and you should not receive the error. You cannot assign a dedicated IP address to more than one site. If you do not assign a site a dedicated IP address it will "share" the main IP address on the server by means of virtual hosts in your webserver software (apache/lighttpd). These will be configured automatically by Kloxo.

Installing an SSL Certificate

Through Kloxo you can install an SSL certificate you have already purchased, create a self- signed certificate for personal use or generate a "CSR" (certificate signing request) for ordering a new certificate.
NOTE: In order to install an SSL certificate on a domain it MUST have a dedicated IP address. Only one SSL certificate can be installed per IP address.
Log into Kloxo and go to the Home screen. In the "Resources" box click the SSL Certificates icon.

  1. Uploading a Current SSL Certificate
    1. If you already have an SSL certificate you would like to use click the "Add Upload File" tab. Give the SSL certificate a name; this can be anything you like. Click the "Browse" buttons and upload the Key, Certificate, and CA file (if applicable) then click "Add"
    2. Now click the "SSL Certificates" tab and you should see the SSL certificate you just uploaded in the list.
    3. Assign the domain you wish to configure a dedicated IP address (see instructions above)
    4. Click the "Home" tab then click the "Ipaddresses" icon in the 'Resources' box.
    5. Click the IP address you assigned to the domain you are installing the SSL certificate on then click the "SSL Configuration Home" tab.
    6. Using the drop-down menu select the name of the SSL certificate you uploaded previously then click "Update"
    7. Kloxo should restart Apache (or lighttpd) automatically but if https:// isn't working properly you may need to restart it manually.
  2. Generating a self-signed SSL certificate
    1. Log into Kloxo and go to the Home screen. In the "Resources" box click the SSL Certificates icon.
    2. Click the "Add SSL Certificate" tab
    3. Give the SSL certificate a name and fill in the appropriate information in the boxes. Please keep in mind that an ssl certificate for "" is different from just "" so be sure to specify version of your domain you want the SSL certificate on. Click the "Add" button once you have filled in the appropriate information.
    4. Assign the domain you wish to configure a dedicated IP address (see instructions above)
    5. Click the "Home" tab then click the "Ipaddresses" icon in the 'Resources' box.
    6. Click the IP address you assigned to the domain you are installing the SSL certificate on then click the "SSL Configuration Home" tab.
    7. Using the drop-down menu select the name of the SSL certificate you uploaded previously then click "Update"
    8. Kloxo should restart Apache (or lighttpd) automatically but if https:// isn't working properly you may need to restart it manually.
  3. Generating a CSR to order a new SSL certificate from a certificate authority
    1. You can purchase SSL certificates through A2 Hosting. To view current offerings please see You can submit a ticket to our billing department to order an SSL certificate.
    2. If you just need a CSR for use with an outside provider, log into Kloxo and go to the Home screen. In the "Resources" box click the SSL Certificates icon.
    3. Click the "Add SSL Certificate" tab
    4. Give the SSL certificate a name and fill in the appropriate information in the boxes. Please keep in mind that an ssl certificate for "" is different from just "" so be sure to specify version of your domain you want the SSL certificate on. Click the "Add" button once you have filled in the appropriate information.
    5. Click on the "SSL Certificates" tab then click on the name of the SSL certificate you just created.
    6. The CSR will be listed in the middle of the screen. You can copy and paste the CSR (be sure to include the ----- BEGIN ----- and -----END----- lines) into your outside providers request form.

The "Files" Tab

You can use the "Files" tab as an alternative to FTP or SFTP to upload or download files to/from your site. You can also zip files or folders for smaller download, upload files from your home computer, a remote URL, or remote FTP server (the last 2 are great for transferring your data from your old hosting account).
The files tab does not require much explanation. Just click on the "Files" tab and use the File Manager tab to navigate your files then view/download current files or use the Upload tab to add files to your site. All uploaded files will be placed in "/home/admin"

Clients and Resellers

There are two types of clients; Resellers and customers. The main difference is Resellers can have customers under them. The smallest unit of authorization in Kloxo is a customer, who can have multiple domains under them.
In order to setup a Reseller or Client you will need to create a Resource Plan. A resource plan determines how many clients a reseller can have, how many domains can be hosted, traffic allowed, disk space allowed and much more.
If you are hosing multiple sites for different clients and wish to give them access to their content you can add a client login so they can modify their web content but no one else's.
The home directory of a customer is '/home/clientname', and his domain's document root is /home/clientname/'. He can also login through ftp using his clientname as the id and the password.

How To Install Kloxo (Part 1)

How to Install Kloxo/Lxadmin on CentOS 5.x

Virtual Private Server Or Dedicated Server

1. Installation

kloxo 200x45 gr How To Install Kloxo (Part 1)
Most of people buys Virtual Private servers because their shared hosting is not enough or their site is getting more visitors that shared hosting cant afford. But some of them doesn’t know the basics of installing admin panel (like Cpanel) on their VPS and managing their VPS from scratch. So I own few VPS’s for my hosting needs and I was a geek too when I entered this area of interest but now I fed up with google a lot :D And this is a guide about how to install Kloxo (formerly known as LXAdmin) on CentOS. Note that the same process can be done for dedicated servers installed CentOS on it.
Things you need-
  • A VPS or dedicated server that has at least 128MB memory
  • SSH Client , PUTTY for windows operating systems Download it free
  • Relaxed mind
Note that there are many Admin panels like Cpanel,Kloxo,ISPconfig,Webmin,Plesk . But I recommend Kloxo (LXadmin) because it runs on even low memory VPS’s that has only 128MB memory and there is built in 2 web servers , Apache  and Lighttpd. Previously there were 2 versions of kloxo panels one is Free version and the other is Kloxo Enterprise.
The free version only had support to only 40 domains run on the same server and Enterprise version can run unlimited domains on one server. But now Kloxo owner LXlabs CEO  K.T Ligesh dead. And the Kloxo is become a freeware So you can now obtain Enterprise license for free.
So if you want more information or want to see demo’s about kloxo please go to their website here.
So lets start-
  • First of all you need to install PUTTY and login to your server with it by very easy steps, providing the ipaddress and password given to you buy the hosting company. The default User name is root.
  • Make sure you Install CentOS 5.x 32 Bit or you will get problem with Email when you run it on 64 Bit .
type this command to check your VPS or Dedicate Server is running on 32 or 64 Bit Kernel
# uname -m
i686 <-- it's mean 32 Bit
x86_64 <-- it's mean 64 Bit
Get the Kloxo installer by type this command on you Box
# wget
Now install Kloxo
# ./
This message will appear when installation is complete
Congratuations. Kloxo has been installed succesfully on your server as master
You can connect to the server at https://<ip-address>:7777 or http://<ip-address>:7778
Please note that first is secure ssl connection, while the second is normal one.
The login and password are 'admin' 'admin'. After Logging in, you will have to change your password to something more secure
We hope you will find managing your hosting with Kloxo refreshingly pleasurable, and also we wish you all the success on your hosting venture
Thanks for choosing Kloxo to manage your hosting, and allowing us to be of service
Now open your Browser and type http://<ip-address>:7778 and login with
Username : admin
Password : admin
Follow the messege apper when you login to change the password
Set the Lxguard protects to

Kloxo Installation Guide

We have OpenvZ template with kloxo available using one click installer inside VPS Manager but incase you want to install it on your own follow the guide below, you need to have CentOS template installed before you can install kloxo, SSH to your server and login as root then run the following commands:
sh ./ 

Kloxo will install:
Web server:

Mail server:
courier (imap pop)
httpd (for webmail)


Database Server: 

  • When your kloxo install is successfully you can login in to panel at yourip:7778  or https://yourip://7777  The default user name is- Admin and the password is – Admin (you should change this immediately)
If you need more details about configuring Kloxo control panel download this guide. ... V06C0rl_Pg

Note: There is an issue installing Kloxo in Xen virtualization using installation guide above, for customers using Xen please consider installing CentOS+Webmin template available on VPSManager.

How to setup VPS or dedicated server with a kloxo admin panel

Most of people buys Virtual Private servers because their shared hosting is not enough or their site is getting more visitors that shared hosting cant afford. But some of them doesn’t know the basics of installing admin panel (like Cpanel) on their VPS and managing their VPS from scratch. So I own few VPS’s for my hosting needs and I was a geek too when I entered this area of interest but now I fed up with google a lot icon biggrin How to setup VPS or dedicated server with a kloxo admin panel And this is a guide about how to install Kloxo (formerly known as LXAdmin) on CentOS. Note that the same process can be done for dedicated servers installed CentOS on it.
Things you need-
  • A VPS or dedicated server that has at least 128MB memory
  • SSH Client , PUTTY for windows operating systems Download it free
  • Relaxed mind
Note that there are many Admin panels like Cpanel,Kloxo,ISPconfig,Webmin,Plesk . But I recommend Kloxo (LXadmin) because it runs on even low memory VPS’s that has only 128MB memory and there is built in 2 web servers , Apache  and Lighttpd. Previously there were 2 versions of kloxo panels one is Free version and the other is Kloxo Enterprise.

The free version only had support to only 40 domains run on the same server and Enterprise version can run unlimited domains on one server. But now Kloxo owner LXlabs CEO  K.T Ligesh dead. And the Kloxo is become a freeware So you can now obtain Enterprise license for free.
So if you want more information or want to see demo’s about kloxo please go to their website here.
So lets start-
  • First of all you need to install PUTTY and login to your server with it by very easy steps, providing the ipaddress and password given to you buy the hosting company. The default User name is root.
  • The you need to install YUM So run these commands on putty-

for file in
do wget$file;

When your server finishes downloading YUM run this commands to install it-
# rpm -Uvh *.rpm
Then feel free to # yum -y update to bring your system up to date.
  • Then YUM is successfully installed
  • The nest step is to install Kloxo, Run these commands on your server-
sh ./

You will presented with a question/menu from yum/up2date, on which you can press <Enter>
Kloxo will install:
Web server:
Mail server:
courier (imap pop)
httpd (for webmail)
Database Server:
  • Then your kloxo install is successful you can login in to panel at yourip:7778  The default user name is- Admin and the password is – Admin
So enjoy your Panel and ill write later about how to update in to Kloxo Enterprise edition for free or use your friend (Google)

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